Cytogenetic biomonitoring of EMF exposed workers : Reports and publications

Activity reports


The research involves a close collaboration between BBEMG teams:
– ULB-LROT (M. Hinsenkamp, JF. Collard, TTH. Nguyen)
– Sciensano (M. Ledent, S. Segers, B. Mertens, L. Verschaeve, A. Maes, R. Anthonissen, E. De Clercq)
– ULiège-ACE (C. Geuzaine, V. Beauvois, M. Spirlet & J. Arban)
A biomonitoring study on workers from three Belgian Transmission System Operators (TSO) and Distribution System Operators (DSO) was conducted to assess the genetic effects of longterm 50 Hz MF exposure in occupational settings. In this study, the evaluation of genetic effects was accompanied by workers’ MF exposure measurements. Levels of genetic damage were evaluated on the workers’ peripheral blood lymphocytes using comet assay and CBMN assay.
Workers’ exposure to ELF-MF was assessed based on both job titles and personal monitoring using an MF exposimeter (EMDEX II). The comet and micronuclei assay results indicated no significant difference in levels of genetic damage among groups of workers with different occupational exposure levels. In addition, no correlation between workers’ actual exposure and the levels of genetic damage was found. Regression analysis performed on the cytogenetic damage data indicated that several confounding factors such as age, past smoking, rather than occupational MF exposure could be the decisive factors that significantly affected the genetic damage outcomes.


The research involves a close collaboration between BBEMG teams:
– ULB-LROT (M. Hinsenkamp, JF. Collard, TTH. Nguyen)
– Sciensano (M. Ledent, S. Segers, B. Mertens, L. Verschaeve, A. Maes, R. Anthonissen, E. De Clercq)
– ULiège-ACE (C. Geuzaine, V. Beauvois, M. Spirlet, J. Arban)

During the BBEMG 2017-2021 project, we already provided results of cytogenetic biomonitoring study on ELIA employees occupationally exposed to ELF-MF. At first, a method using employees’ actual exposure to classify employees into exposure groups was discussed. We proposed utilizing both actual exposure data (via cluster analysis) and job titles to define exposure groups. Then, the level of genetic damage on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of employees who are professionally exposed to ELF-MF and a matched control population (employees less exposed to ELF-MF, e.g., office employees) were examined. In this biomonitoring study, we did not find sufficient evidence for MF’s genotoxicity. Indeed, no correlation between employees’ actual exposure and level of genetic damage was found. Results of both comet assay and micronucleus assay indicated no significant difference in levels of genetic damage between groups of workers with different occupational exposure levels. The generalized linear model indicated that common confounding factors found in a biomonitoring study, such as age, gender, and smoking habit rather than ELF-MF exposure, could significantly affect the genetic damage outcomes.

Feasibility study for epidemiological study of child cancer (leukemia) and degenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson) in relation to exposure to 50Hz electromagnetic fields
C. Demoury, E. De Clercq
Before launching an epidemiological study of childhood leukemia or degenerative diseases in relation to exposure to 50Hz electromagnetic fields, it is essential to ensure that an effect can be detected, if one exists. A too small sample size will not provide reliable answers to study hypothesis. Sample size calculation is thus a key step before launching a study. Calculations of the number of subjects required under certain hypotheses were made to assess the feasibility of conducting such studies. In the case of childhood leukaemia, the sample size calculations showed that too many subjects would be needed to obtain usable and interpretable results. For more frequent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, a smaller number of subjects would be needed, but even for this disease, only fairly high relative risks would be detectable, and such risks are not observed in the existing literature. We conclude that this work is not feasible on a Belgium scale.

Past activity reports


The research involves a close collaboration between five BBEMG teams:
• ULB-LROT (M. Hinsenkamp, JF. Collard, TTH. Nguyen)
• Sciensano (M. Ledent, S. Segers, B. Mertens, L. Verschaeve, A. Maes, R. Anthonissen, J. Van De Maele, E. De Clercq)
• ULB-Public Health (C. Bouland, A. Salmon, Z. Ennamsa)
• ULiège-ACE (C. Geuzaine, V. Beauvois, M. Spirlet, J. Arban)

In the 2017-2021 project, Sciensano is involved in a human (cyto)genetic biomonitoring study on white blood cells from workers who are professionally exposed to high levels of electromagnetic fields and a matched control population (workers less exposed, e.g. administrative staff). Therefore well validated cytogenetic methods (comet assay and micronucleus test) are used. In September 2021, 88 workers were included in the study. To date, no differences between groups have been observed, but further recruitment is recommended in order to improve results. This study is accompanied by gene expression studies using RT-qPCR methods. Analyses will be performed in white blood cells as well as in buccal cells (in collaboration with ULB-LROT) on at least 10 genes of interest. These genes play role in different cellular processes namely stress response, apoptosis, cell cycle, and cell proliferation. Depending on the availability of the remaining RNA, other genes might be tested as well. In that case, a selection of relevant genes will be made accordingly. Until now, analyses have begun and only preliminary are reported. Final results will provided in the next report. Sciensano also collaborates with ULB-ESP in the study on the Brussels population.

Publications related to BBEMG activities

Maes A, Verschaeve L. (2016)
Genetic damage in humans exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields. Arch Toxicol., 90(10):2337-2348.
>> Abstract in PubMed or in our literature reviews

Verschaeve L., Wambacq S., Anthonissen R., Maes A. (2016)
Co-exposure of ELF-magnetic fields and chemical mutagens: An investigation of genotoxicity with the SOS-based VITOTOX test in Salmonella typhimurium. Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen. 2016 Jan 1;795:31-5. doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2015.11.003. Epub 2015 Nov 12.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Vanderstraeten J., Burda H., Verschaeve L., De Brouwer C. (2015)
Health effects of ELF magnetic fields: considering static and medium frequency fields in studies of the cryptochrome hypothesis. Health Physics, 109, 84-89.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Vanderstraeten J., Verschaeve L., Burda H., Bouland C., de Brouwer C. (2012)
Health effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: reconsidering the melatonin hypothesis in the light of current data on magnetoreception. J. Appl. Toxicol., 32, 952-958.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Maes A., Anthonissen R., Verschaeve L. (2012)
Testing chemicals with the cytokinesisblock micronucleus cytome assay. Folia Biol., 58, 215-220.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Superior health Council/Gezondheidsraad (2012)
Childhood leukaemia and environmental factors. Brussels Superior Health Council, 2012; Advisory report nr. 8548. Legal deposit nr. D/2012/7795/5. ISBN: 978-94-9054-230-6.
>> pdf online

Verschaeve L., Anthonissen R., Grudniewska M., Wudarski J., Gevaert L., Maes A. (2011) Genotoxicity investigation of ELF-magnetic fields in Salmonella typhimurium with the sensitive SOS-based VITOTOX test.
Bioelectromagnetics, 32, 580-584.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Verschaeve L., Vanderstraeten J. (2011)
Champs et ondes: quel impact sur la santé? Pour la Science, Nr. 409, 128-133.

Verschaeve L. , Brits E., Bossuyt M., Adang D., Decat G., Martens L. Joseph W. (2011)
Niet-ioniserende stralen – Achtergronddocument 2011.
Milieurapport ( MIRA ), Vlaamse MilieuMaatschappij.

Gosselin P., Simons K., Verschaeve L., Van Nieuwenhuyse A. (2011)
Childhood Cancer & Environment. Feasibility study for establishing a registration system for studying the relationship between childhood cancer & environment.
NEHAP, Final report, ISSN: D/2011/2505/62.

FOD/SPF Public Health (2009).
Les champs électromagnétiques et la santé. Votre guide dans le paysage électromagnétique.
(Contribution to and proofreading of the leaflet)
>> ici (français)
>> hier (nederland)

Maes A., Den Hond E., & Verschaeve L. (2007)
Use of METAFER-image analysis system for scoring micronuclei in binucleated human white blood cells. Microscopy and Analysis 21, 7-9 (EU).

Verschaeve L. (2004)
Does exposure to non ionizing radiati on induce adverse health effects in humans? Belgian J. Electro. Commun. 4, 3-24.

Verheyen G., Pauwels G., Verschaeve L., & Schoeters G. (2003)
The effect of co-exposure of 50 Hz magnetic fields and an aneugen on human lymphocytes, determined by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. Bioelectromagnetics , 24, 160-164.
>> Abstract in PubMed

Bergqvist U. , Brix J., de Gruijl F., de Seze R.,Hietanen M., Jeffereys J.G.R., Lagroye I. , Lotz G.W., Owen R.D., Repacholi M.H., Saunders R., Tenforde T.S., Verschaeve L., & Veyret B. (2003)
Review of experimental investigations of EMF biological effects (0-100 kHz) – ICNIRP Standing committee II. In: Matthes R., McKinley A., Bernhardt J., Vecchia P., Veyret B., eds., Exposure to static and low frequency electromagnetic fields, biological effects and health consequences . ICNIRP13/2003, ISBN 3-934994-03-2.

Verschaeve, L . (2003).
Scientific Facts on electromagnetic fields from Power Lines, Wiring & Appliances. Greenfacts online publication; cf.

Van Den Heuvel R., Leppens H., Nematova G., & Verschaeve L. (2001)
Haemopoietic cell proliferation in murine bone marrow cells exposed to extreme low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields. Toxicol. In Vitro 15, 351-355.

De Ridder M., Decat G., Verschaeve L., & Bossuyt M. (2001)
Niet-ioniserende stralen. Milieu- en Natuurrapport Vl aan deren , MIRA-T, Garant, Leuven-Apeldoorn, pp.431-439.

Maes A., Collier M., Vandoninck S., & Verschaeve L. (2000)
Cytogenetic effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields of different magnetic flux densities. Bioelectromagnetics 21, 589-596.

Verschaeve L. (1999)
Hoogspanningslijnen, mobiele telefonie en gezondheid. Lucht 2, 52-54.

Martens L., & Verschaeve L. (1998)
Niet-ioniserende stralen. Milieu en Natuurraport Vl aan deren , MIRA-T, Garant, Leuven-Apeldoorn, 323-333.

Maes A., L. & Verschaeve (1997)
Biologische effecten van electromagnetische velden: extreem lage- en Radiofrequenties. Arbeidsgezondheidszorg & Ergonomie , XXXIV, 129-130.

Verschaeve L. (1994)
EC symposium hears more evidence of harmful NIR effects. Electromagnet. VDU News , 4(3-4), 14-16.

Verschaeve L. (1995)
Can non-ionizing radiation induce cancer? Cancer J. 8, 237-249.

Martens L., Verschaeve L., Maes A., & De Wagter C. (1994)
III.10B Hinder: niet-ioniserende stralen. In: Leren om te keren . Milieu- en Natuurrapport Vl aan deren, A. Verbruggen, ed., Garant, Leuven-Apeldoorn, pp. 411-428.

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