
Seven Belgian research teams involved in the study
of biomedical effects of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields


Electromagnetic fields

How to make the connection between voltage, electromagnetic fields and electric courant? What is the exposure on our daily life?


EMF and Health

Results of the scientific studies: general information
on the health effects of 50Hz electric and magnetic fields


Information on research

Epidemiology, in vitro and in vivo studies, human experiment,
modelling: what is it, and how to do it well?


Standards and Recommendations

Protection from short term established effects: ICNIRP and EU guidelines, Belgian legislation

Wetenschappelijke informatie over de
gezondheidseffecten van 50Hz elektrische
en magnetische velden (EMV)


Information scientifique des effets
sur la santé des champs électriques
et magnétiques (CEM) 50Hz


Scientific information on the health
effects of 50Hz electric and magnetic
fields (EMF)


The recording of the BBEMG symposium, where we presented the results of the last 4 years, is available here.

